electronic media artist
Endless Dream Co
Transit of Earth
The Ruins of Naurattan
The Swift Erosion of a Crater through Human Intervention
Albedo 0.30
Watching a Gora Drive by
Triumph of Labor
Gentleman of the Road
Tectonic Shifts
Tectonic Shifts
Rationalization of Sight
Moonlighting : Dance by Lunar Polarity
CFL-Coded Fluorescent Light
Boy by the Ganges
The Dead
The Dead | Vito Acconci
The Dead | Dinanath Pathy
The Dead | Taylor Mead
The Dead | Lou Reed
The Dead | Max Mathews
Julie at the Beach
5 Anamorphoses - The Dead
The Dead :: 5 Anamorphoses
Julie at the Beach
Morse Rigveda
Cao Chang Di Road
Public Places - Private Strangers
Propitious Stars - Master of the Staring Eye
Luminous Point
Occurrence on Broadway & Columbus
Rabbit in your Headlights
Plant Cycle
On that day with Juliusz
Moving Vast Amounts of Water to a Barren Place
N 36º25’12” - W 116º48’43” (Zabriskie Point)
My Own Private Universe - the great attractor
My Life as a Ghost
The Invisible Never Happens
Memory of Light - Light of Memory
I Came Here to Sleep
On the Nature of Things
Of Shadow & Light - Riddle of Images
Fundamentals of Legerdemain
Urbs Turrita - City of Towers
The Bernoulli Itinerary
Aviation Memories
Urban Memories
Dream of Zanzibar
Cyborgs & Other New Machines
It That Once Computed the Fibonacci Numbers to Infinity
It's supposed to happen automatically but in Reality you must press this Button
It that once beat the Masters
Magick Piece
The Air is Full of Voices
Family Blue
Android Plant
Plant #2-78/278
Plant #2-16/349
Simulated Drawings - Spurious Engravings
Current and past works exploring what computers do best - simulation.
Titian’s The Submersion of the Pharaoh’s Army in the Upper New York Bay as seen in the Fogg Museum
12 plates, laser engravings, each 30.5 × 40.6 cm on Arches 300 lb/640 gsm watercolor paper
Edition: 3 + 1EA
In 1997 a friend of mine bought three woodcuts with horses, knights and waves. According to the antiquarian, they were the last sheets of an originally twelve-part portfolio, all in mint condition, probably the work of an unknown artist from the late 19th century who specialized in horses. In reality, it was «The Fall of Pharaoh's Army in the Red Sea» from 1515-1517 by Titian (Titiano Vecellio, 1490-1576). (See plate # 4)
On a visit to Harvard University's Fogg Museum in 2015, I first saw a complete copy of this large print (112.5 × 221.5 cm). I photographed it, retouched the images in Photoshop, and replaced Titian's contemporary city in the background with a view of New York and the Brooklyn Bridge. I engraved the twelve panels into heavy watercolor paper with the help of a laser, completing the circle of light entering the camera lens, being digitized and issuing once again as light of memory burning itself into the paper.
Simulated Drawings - Spurious Engravings
Cerebral Atoll
Date: 2001 - 2015
Medium: pigment ink on fine art paper (12) and glass (2), mixed media
Dimensions: 14 prints à 11 x 14inch
Edition: 3 + 1 EA
Collection: Kunstmuseum Solothurn
• Annotation:
Panoramic view, looking outwards from the center of the human brain, digital elevation model created from a b/w MRI.
Albert Bosshard‘s unfinished 1916 Mt. Tödi Panorama completed
Date: 2015
Dimension: 12 prints à 60 x 70 cm
Technique: 3D-digital elevation model (DEM), pigment ink b/w on bamboo paper
Edition: 5 + 2 on glass + 1 EA
A.I.: Simulated Drawings - Spurious Engravings
Male Nude in Landscape sighted by a Drone - Self Portrait
Date: 2018
Medium: pigment ink on 4 pt. stone paper, 6 sheets
Dimensions: 13.5 x 24 in.
Edition: 3
A.I.: Simulated Drawings - Spurious Engravings
Liquid I
Date: 2014
Medium: pigment ink on fine art paper
Dimensions: 18 prints à 9x 16 inch
Edition: 3 + 1 EA
Collection: Graphische Sammlung, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
A.I.: Simulated Drawings - Spurious Engravings
Date: 2019
Medium: pigment ink on paper, 12 A.I. rendered pen sketches
Dimensions: 11 x 14 in.
Edition: 3
• Annotation:
12 sketches with cotton gloves, blanket, tissue paper and Sunset magazine box, as seen during the installation of a photo exhibition in March 2018. Rendered using mobile-optimized artificial intelligence (Deep Learning) technology.
A.I.: Simulated Drawings - Spurious Engravings
Crash at Minisceongo Creek
Date: 2019
Medium: pigment ink on paper, 17 sketches
Dimensions: 7.5 x 11 in.
Edition: 3
• Annotation:
17 stills from an aerial video recording the flight of a wayward small drone over Minisceongo Creek and its crash, rendered using mobile-optimized artificial intelligence (Deep Learning) technology.