electronic media artist

Simulated Drawings - Spurious Engravings

Green Flash - Calculating Lord Kelvin Mt. Blanc Horizon  I (Woodcut)

Date: 2013  

Medium: pigment ink on fine art paper  

Dimensions:  16.5 x 4.25 in.  

Edition: 3 

Simulated Drawings - Spurious Engravings

Green Flash - Calculating Lord Kelvin Mt. Blanc Horizon  II (Linoleum Cut)

Date: 2013  

Medium: pigment ink on fine art paper  

Dimensions:  16.5 x 4.25 in.  

Edition: 3 

Simulated Drawings - Spurious Engravings

Green Flash - Calculating Lord Kelvin Mt. Blanc Horizon  III (Ink)

Date: 2013  

Medium: pigment ink on fine art paper  

Dimensions:  16.5 x 4.25 in.  

Edition: 3


View of Mt. Blanc calculated from 1545 metres above sea levels, and about 68 kilometres W. 18º S. away, the location of the Hotel du Mont-Revard, Aix-les-Bains, where, at 4 a.m. on August 27, 1899, Lord Kelvin observed the phenomenon of the green flash.